Tag Archives: conquerors

V is for Victory

This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.(1 John 5:4a-5 NIV)

I love to play games. Most of the time I’m not worried if I win or lose, I just love to play. But I still love to be victorious at the end of the game. I don’t pout when I lose but I do enjoy winning. Most of the people I know enjoy winning. Some of the people I know enjoy being victorious so much they are, how shall I say this, bad losers and it manifests itself in their behavior.

In life it’s great to achieve various victories. It’s nice to win at sports and games. It’s glorious to get past a difficult time of suffering and rejoice. But there is a victory which makes any achievement in this world pale by comparison. I’m talking about the victory we have through Jesus. This victory overcomes the whole world and all its hellbent ideologies, practices and proclamations.

I can state, without reservation, without pausing, without apology, I have overcome the world. Don’t get me wrong. I still suffer in my current disease. I still struggle to control my behavior. I still wrestle with the day to day inconsistencies of the world. I’m not claiming perfection, but I am proclaiming victory. This victory is mine because I am a child of God. This isn’t anything I have done other than take hold, with my entire life, of the grace and love of God through the ransom Jesus paid.

In the world when a general conquers another nation or emerges victorious from battle he must then be concerned with not losing that victory to another conqueror. Worldly victories are often brief and discarded as another battle presents itself. But, in Christ, our victory, our ability to be conquerors in a world steeped in sin, is assured because of God’s love for us. He will provide what we need to overcome the world because of our faith in him.

When Paul wrote to the Romans, he clarified our sure victory. He reminded us of our surety in God’s love. Who can separate us from the love of Christ is spelled out in sweeping aside what we might consider roadblocks to our success as faithful believers. (Romans 8:35-39)

Can trouble separate us? Can hardship separate us? Can persecution separate us? Can famine separate us? Can nakedness separate us? Can danger separate us? Can the sword (war) separate us? The answer to all these rhetorical questions is a resounded, table pounding, NO! We might read this list and wonder how we will react. Our reaction is not the point here. It is our faith which brings us through.

We might find ourselves being broken physically or emotionally as we struggle with a life-threatening disease or situation. But no matter how far down we feel we’ve gone, it is in the hands of God we can find our rest. It is the love of God in Jesus Christ which assures we will emerge victorious as conquerors over our situation. Don’t be led astray. The final result of a disease or situation might be permanent physical limitations or death. God doesn’t assure, according to human understanding, everything will be hunky dory this side of heaven. But, the greatest battle, the battle for our souls, is already won.

We are more than conquerors. We have reached the end of our battles. We need not worry ourselves over another general rising up to battle for our eternal soul. Even death has lost the battle because of God’s love for us.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, no any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39 NIV)

I find this list a great comfort. Jesus called me to pick up his yoke and follow him. When I’m weary, I can turn to Christ and find rest. When I’m burdened, I can turn to Christ and find rest. He will teach me. He is gentle. He is humble. And in him I can find rest. A rest the world cannot provide. A rest the world works to undo. The battle is over. God has won. We are already conquerors. Jesus’ yoke, unlike the burdens placed on us by the world, is easy to handle and the burden he has us carry is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

If you’re not victorious turn to Christ. Only in Christ can we find ourselves as conquerors now and for eternity. I like to win. Unlike games I play with friends where winning is fun but not essential, when it comes to eternity and redemption, I want to be sure I’m victorious. I’ve given my life to God through Jesus Christ and I can firmly say I am victorious. What about you?

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